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Using the mermaid2 with Superfences


Superfences is a markdown extension that allows a better management of code blocks, particularly syntax highlighting for the different languages.


Do not use the codehilite markdown extension, as it is deprecated in this context.

Hence, for a Python code block:


It belongs to the PyMdown extension package (see installation instructions) created by facelessuser.

Caution with Superfences

The problem is that if you activate Superfences, you will deactivate automatically the display of Mermaid diagrams (they will simply be color-highlighted), unless you specify an exception for those diagrams, called a custom_fence.

Hence the code:

graph LR
    hello --> world
    world --> again
    again --> hello

Will be highlighted instead of being displayed!

See the next paragraph, for how to do that.


The Superfences extension is not mandatory, its main purpose is to allow highlighting in code blocks.

It is, however, recommended for the Material theme.

Specifying the Mermaid custom fence

Hence, to speciy the custom fence in the configuration file:

  - pymdownx.superfences:
        # make exceptions to highlighting of code:
        - name: mermaid
          class: mermaid
          format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid

Each time a code block of mermaid type is found in the markdown, then the code will not be highlighted, but transformed into a diagram. This is done by the fence_mermaid function provided by mermaid2, which encloses the Mermaid code in the following way (in alignment with the plugin's policy):

<div class="mermaid">


  1. For better results with the Material theme, use the fence_mermaid_custom function (see below).
  2. Do not use fence_mermaid_custom with themes other than Material, as this will prevent the Mermaid diagrams from displaying.
  3. Superfences is slightly more demanding with HTML tags inside a mermaid diagram: take care to always close the HTML tags that require it (e.g. <small> must have its corresponding </small> tag). Otherwise, the extension system will attempt to close those tags and it will break the diagram.

Usage for the Material theme

The Material theme, developed by squidfunk, is designed out of the box so as to exploit the Mermaid.js library.

A beautiful feature is that the color theme will be reflected on the mermaid diagram, with a much better rendering of the diagrams according to the palette.

It will also use proper colors for Mermaid diagrams if you use a dark mode in the theme (scheme: slate) e.g., in the Config file:

  # name: readthedocs
  name: material
  language: en
    scheme: slate
    primary: red
    accent: pink

Recommended usage with Material theme

This requires, however,

  1. The use of the Superfences extension.
  2. To use the default <pre class="mermaid"><code> representation, and not the <div class="mermaid"> representation used by mkdocs-mermaid2. This is achieved by using the fence_mermaid_custom function.

Hence in the configuration file:

  - pymdownx.superfences:
        # make exceptions to highlighting of code:
        - name: mermaid
          class: mermaid
          format: !!python/name:mermaid2.fence_mermaid_custom